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Career with colour


Resene makes in New Zealand, and sells, the paint professionals use. Like the skilled and trained painters that swear by the products, the company makes sure its own people are skilled and trained too. As the Resene website proudly states: ‘Resene ColorShops are staffed by trained retailers who excel in understanding not only the specifications of Resene’s wide product range, but also Resene product innovations and technology advances’.

You might be forgiven for thinking that this is just marketing bluster. But Andrew McPherson, Retail Manager at Resene, will quickly set you straight. “Literally thousands of Resene employees have gained NZQA accreditation with the support of ServiceIQ in two main areas: the New Zealand Certificate in Retail and the Business Levels 3 and 4 qualifications and, more recently, the Retail Savvy Award too.”

One of those talented and valued employees is Janis Gorrie. She’s well known to the many loyal customers – trade and non-trade – of the popular Resene ColorShop in Cambridge. She’s also well respected and well qualified.

“It’s fantastic that Resene offers the opportunity to study towards qualifications and support you to do the learning on-job during any quiet times. It’s something we all embrace. I had the support of my manager, Kerry Mason, as she has completed her latest qualification as well.”

For many at Resene – including Janis – it really is ‘qualifications plural’. Janis completed Retail Level 3 in 2020, then Level 4 the following year. In 2022 she got stuck into the Level 3 New Zealand Certificate in Business and is now completing Business Level 4.

Commitment pays

The degree of commitment that Resene has to workplace training is evident when you know that Janis, during this time, started a family and still had time to dedicate to her son.

“You do have to commit to doing the work, but it’s all doable, especially with the support of Resene and ServiceIQ. It’s been hugely worthwhile because it’s helped my career and completing each qualification in my workplace has resulted in salary bonuses.

“Katrina from ServiceIQ was amazing (Katrina Collins, Kaitohutohu Whakangungu, Training Advisor for Waikato/Coromandel/Rotorua). She helped motivate me and gave me insight into some scenarios I could use for my assessments. Her wisdom and experience really helped.

“I would say to anyone given the opportunity to complete any workplace training through ServiceIQ to seriously consider it. In fact, just do it! You won’t regret investing in yourself, and there is so much support.”

Janis Resene Circle

Photo above: Janis Gorrie

Employer win-win

Andrew McPherson is passionate about Resene because of its approach and philosophy. And he has good business reasons for embracing both.

“You must offer something that resonates with both current and protentional employees. So, what can you offer that others don’t? Yes, you might have a cool brand, product, and slick marketing... but what else?

“Often, I find that we’re asked ‘what do you do that would make someone want to join a paint company of all things?’ And ‘why should/would someone pick your company over others that might offer more tech or even more attractive incentives?’

“Easy! For us, one of the key elements has been training. And not just any old training, but a long-standing culture of on-the-job training. Training where you are encouraged to further yourself in whatever you do (in some cases way past what was your perceived comfort zone). Better still, for Resene, we ‘just happen’ to have a long-standing relationship with a key educational provider called ServiceIQ that now stretches back well over 20 years.

“This isn’t a recent revolution of education and recognition that keeps us in front. It’s one that is so intertwined that it’s just part of who we are and what we do. So much so that these recognised qualifications are part of the criteria for the Resene Paint Professionals programme, which is where we recognise our elite, in both their technical knowledge and what we call their ‘Reseneness’.

“To say it is nice to have a business partner that you trust is an understatement… now, it is just what we do together.”

Discover the full range of ServiceIQ workplace training programmes for Retail.

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