Flight Operations programmes » ServiceIQ
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Flight Operations programmes

Ready for take-off

From airline check-in experts and top flight attendants to air traffic controllers and commercial and non-commercial helicopter or aeroplane pilots, ServiceIQ offers world-class on-job training programmes. They are used by the aviation industry to ensure talented people have the vital skills, knowledge and professional qualifications they need to provide passengers with great service and safe travel.

Each programme is easily completed on the job, and around your business. And each leads to excellent service for your customers and national qualifications for your people.

If you fancy a flying career, we recommend you first try the ADAPT pre-pilot test. This sophisticated online tool is provided by ServiceIQ as a solution for flight training schools to meet the pre-test requirement for people wanting to achieve the New Zealand Diplomas in Aviation (Aeroplane and Helicopter) and Massey University School of Aviation Bachelor of Aviation degree programme.

Flight Operations

Choose the right programme for you

ServiceIQ’s programmes take between six months to two years to complete. Employees learn at their own pace and training mostly takes place in the workplace.

New Zealand Certificate in Aviation (Airline Check-in) – Level 3

Aviation NC Airline Checkin L4 WEB

The purpose of this qualification is to recognise individuals who have attained the skills required to safely perform passenger handling operations in accordance with international aviation regulations. The aviation industry will benefit by having Airline Check-in staff that are capable of working with minimal supervision.

New Zealand Certificate in Aviation (Flight Attendants) with optional strand – Level 4

Aviation NC Flight Attendants L4 WEB 2

The purpose of this qualification is to provide the airline sector of the aviation industry with individuals who have attained sufficient operational skills and knowledge to provide safe, secure and customer-friendly in-flight services, for domestic and/or international flights in either a commercial or non-commercial organisation.

The optional strand in Airline Specific Operational Flight Attending recognises the airline-specific knowledge and skills acquired whilst performing all the duties required of a flight attendant on operational flights.

New Zealand Certificate in Air Traffic Services (Air Traffic Services Theory) – Level 5

Air Traffic Control WEB

The purpose of this qualification is to provide the air traffic services sector with individuals who have the theoretical knowledge to be working towards gaining a trainee licence under International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Air Traffic Service requirements. The qualification is designed to meet the global training and education needs of both domestic and international trainees.

New Zealand Diploma in Air Traffic Services (Flight Information) (Oceanic Air-Ground) – Level 6

Air Traffic Controller 2 WEB

The purpose of this qualification is to provide the air traffic services sector of the aviation industry with individuals who have attained sufficient operational and theoretical knowledge and practical skills to become a licenced flight service operator.

New Zealand Diploma in Air Traffic Services with strands – Level 6

Aviation NC Airport Operations L4 WEB

The purpose of this qualification is to provide the air traffic services sector of the aviation industry with individuals who have attained sufficient operational and theoretical knowledge and practical skills to undertake on-job training to become licenced and rated air traffic controllers.

New Zealand Diploma in Air Traffic Services (Flight Information) (Aerodrome and/or Area Flight Information) – Level 6

Air Traffic Services WEB

The purpose of this qualification is to provide the air traffic services sector of the aviation industry with individuals who have attained sufficient operational and theoretical knowledge and practical skills to become a licenced flight service operator. The content recognises the theoretical knowledge and practical operational skills, and is aligned with, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) regulatory requirements for air traffic services.

New Zealand Diploma in Air Traffic Services with strands – Level 7

Aviation NC Aircraft Manufacture L4 WEB

The qualification comprises core compulsory standards that represent the competencies required by all those working in the air traffic services sector, and strands that recognise the specialised applications within the sector. The configuration of the strands allows people a wide range of choice in advancing within a specialist area, and/or broadening their skills and expertise across a number of specialisations.

New Zealand Diploma in Aviation (General Aviation) with strands – Level 5

Heli WEB

Covers the operational and theoretical knowledge and practical skills for those aiming to be commercial pilots in the general aviation sector. There are two strands: one in Aeroplane and the other in Helicopter.

New Zealand Diploma in Aviation with strands – Level 6

Flight Instructions WEB

Holders of this qualification are able to work as commercial pilots of an aeroplane or helicopter engaged in air transport operations or flight instruction under the relevant CAA rules. Strands are: Aeroplane Flight Instruction, Aeroplane Airline Preparation, Helicopter Flight Instruction, and Helicopter Airline Preparation.