Retail and Retail Supply Chain qualifications » ServiceIQ
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Retail and Retail Supply Chain qualifications

This lists all the New Zealand qualifications that ServiceIQ has programmes for. A few have specific requirements that do now allow them to be completed through on-job training alone. For the training programmes that can be awarded entirely on-job, please visit the sector training pages.




NZQA reference link

Link to more information

New Zealand Certificate in Retail

3 60 2235

New Zealand Certificate in Distribution
with optional strand in Mechanised Goods Handling

3 60-75 2572

New Zealand Certificate in Business
(Introduction to Team Leadership)

3 48 2453

New Zealand Certificate in Retail

4 60 2236

New Zealand Certificate in Distribution

4 60 2573

New Zealand Certificate in Business
(First Line Management)

4 60 2456


ServiceIQ additionally provides the following Limited Credit Programmes:




Link to more information

Retail Savvy Award

3 23

Distribution Savvy Award

3 20

Team Lead Savvy Award

3 20