A big part of any training or learning, on-job or off, are the dry-sounding ‘learning materials’ or ‘resources’. But they’re vital to get right, and that’s where the ServiceIQ team led by Phil O’Brien comes in.
“After almost 20 years in resource development I’ve seen plenty of changes in what we do but one thing that hasn’t changed is the passion that folks working in industry training have for helping trainees achieve their goals.
“My resource development career started at a private training establishment after five years spent as a café manager in New Zealand and the UK. I was given an opportunity to develop and deliver training that helped young people develop service skills as well as improve their literacy and numeracy.
“I’ve developed resources for emergency management, computer literacy, financial skills, firefighting and, for the last ten years, for the service sector. In that time, I’ve been consistently impressed by the people I’ve worked with and their focus on improving outcomes for the trainees and their employers.
“The material we produce provides valuable support for trainees and apprentices and we aim to remove as many barriers to achieving as we can.
“We’ve got an amazing team of developers and designers who work with industry subject matter experts to put together programmes by selecting appropriate unit standards. Then we write and design incredible learning and assessment resources to help trainees achieve. We constantly update and maintain our offering and rely heavily on industry feedback to improve what we deliver. I would strongly encourage anyone with feedback to get in touch: we are always happy to hear from industry.”