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ServiceIQ Gateway Cultural Camps

Getaway to a great adventure in Māori Tourism

ServiceIQ offers a choice of fantastic Gateway Tourism Cultural Camps held at beautiful marae around the country, such as Waitangi, Kapiti Island, Rotorua and Waitomo Caves. The camps are designed to give Year 13 students the rare opportunity to gain first-hand experience, practical skills and unit standards, while staying in a unique New Zealand cultural setting.

Camps are arranged by ServiceIQ, hosted by marae, and are partnered with tourism operators to provide some of the workplace experience and learning.

During the school holidays, the students will study and complete Tourism Māori Unit Standards, learn about nearby tourism attractions, the history and tikanga of the host marae – creating an authentic lens through which to understand Māori tourism and its value to the NZ tourism industry.  

All up, it’s a memorable adventure in a stunning setting, not to be missed.   

cultrual camps

How it works

The Gateway Cultural Camps usually run from Monday to Friday with four nights’ stay at a marae. Students do their study with experienced teachers and industry specialists.

All meals and snacks are provided. Schools will be responsible for arranging students’ transport to and from the marae. 


Benefits for students

Students who successfully complete the programme will have gained:

  • Tourism Māori Unit Standards at Level 2 and Level 3

  • Real skills and knowledge of our unique Māori culture and the tourism industry

  • Inspiration and insights into different career options   

  • Industry contacts that may be able to help them get a job and build a career. 

2024 Cultural Camps 

To sign up to one of these great Cultural Camps, please click on the link below and fill in your details.

A Schools Transitions Advisor will be in contact with you shortly.

Waimārama (Hinetemoa Marae)

Term 3: Monday, 23 to Friday, 27 September

Gateway Cultural Camps Essential Downloads

Listed below are Gateway Cultural Camps documents for schools. Click the links below to download:

Name Size Type
SIQ-TP-Gateway-MOU-CulturalCamps-Ed13-Jul24.pdf 55 KB pdf
Tr-Gateway-CulturalCamps-Registration-Form-Ed16-Apr24-INTV.pdf 570 KB pdf